PSK 31 TRAFFIC --- 2 14-12-2011 --- 20 METERS
SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR___________________________________________________________________
UOL 73 Pisti
thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m,Good Health and DX in 2011 .
HA0ML de K4UOL sk tPtMt =the better radios on the market. and I like your Mystery antenna...I have one ine. I may put it up if my beam fails again this winter.
BTU David, AB9TB de ND2E kn 8 1HNO etK
eecis et-t Ikm a TaVet-ibD Cg6RD
? k
t o dretir7 it cecae I ne„r remembered where aleBtooeou it|s weae. G t the ts000 kw besause it had less in the menu system and mote controls. I gave them both up to get this K3 which I really like. I would like to add a couple more options but I dont think it is going to happen soon. The 2M radio option is something I i.oed l ke t
add put c can ge by on FM with my 8900 but I would like to try may hand at 2oi iidebanDetc.
BT. Devid, AB9TB de ND2E kn eer eenice to meet you.
Report : 599 599
Name : Rey Rey
QTH : Sancti Spiritiil ieiTransceiver : YAES e ah tWB0LTE de KD0NEeÏ i=i Joan J ,onno ,oTtT ee .COM
W5VRX de CO6RD CO6RD pse Kd--t e uND2E
I can understand being radio poor.I sold a lot of gear to get this radio and to buy the parts to build the antenna. Now if it will quit blowing down every winter I could afford to buy some more radio gear. I am also getting back into photography so I am broke on that accouG hnBTO Dav d, Av9Th de ND2E 3n ech
Power : 20-50 WATTS 20-50 re t -dS, o Intetface, MFJ-1275-Sound Card i Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : G5RV 160 meteran oh5 y0 mfers 3g fe t hidh, Tribaoder 28 Teet high for moules
Operator : Born 1970, licenced 2010
My QSL is OK via, LOTW, or direct mail.(no SASE needed)
BTU WB0LTE de KD0NEL kn i1L de WB0LTE Thaw for the FB QSO.
My QSL is good at (AG) or direct.
73 Matthew and best of luck. Merry Christmn
mo rappf Ne/Years
bD0NEL ie WB0LTE SK etWB0LTE de KD0NEL 73 John J Bonnot and thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m, good DX in 2011, thanks for the great QSO will log you in both Lotw and at end of day. best wishes to you and yours and may you have hp hoiidayseason.B.LTE de KD0NEL c214/2011 20:36:36 QSO# 262 sk nP KI4R KI4R de CO6RD 73 73 tu eJUAN
uaa MAHOl edl TaYee tlea igS tYee oul up o mn thr macao happy holidays to you and yours JUAN 73 de wb9iiv sk
e- e ige
t-- o I e e e Žçe e 'i s ZJ
CQ CQ CQ de K9 9ZG K9 dJ
CQ hQ CQ de K9ZJ K9HJ K9ZJ k k
i t e
****CQ CQ CQ de K9ZJ K9ZJ K9ZJ
CQ CQ CQ de K9ZJ K9ZJ K9ZJ k k
it e kn . n AN KK t iBTU REy...
CO6RD de TI2PI....
eiok perdon apedro los rrores solo falta mejorar este teclado que esta mao escrbecuando le da el deseo fijatecuantos ezores pero grsa dios que tengo estasminimas condicinspero eso mcho deseo de hacer radio te deso mucha salud que e
lo másnecesitado ymuhcas cosas bunas para todosporcasa has h pronto que diotls bendiga ti2pi de co6d 73 chao Ftd
CO6RD de TIoietI....
FB Rey... m buena tu senIl y t
,liªteof si e‹ 3†Õo
2itoo eeop Eep+3toIoe
It Út lo
o f3e!!eo o ntu
Ük.h.dih.di ....
ox =Tare that any one else with a lot of speacial call.
my station
Radio : ICOM 746 PRO, 40 Watts,
Inerface : Signalink USB
Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : Homebrew 20 meter Moxon Beam
Operator : Crea n ti93B, locenc7 19
BTr VX3NOO de K0FBV kn v= a=te0 prIct copy Y oare ond enjEUthö
a... will be loking i r y on o eez ods .
ness but held a special place for me since that is where I started.
So BTU Richard, W8RMA de W0JMP k a eO6RD
? k
CQ CQ CQ de io seREeeeh's got all the info and thanks again for the great QSO D on
So BTU Don W Churchill, NL7HH de KD0NEL k eiee
d QSL (AG).
eQSL sent automatic at end of QSO.
For direct info see
To bureau. CUL OM.
btu Lew KB5HPT de K9ZJ kn
antena so hope you still can copy my peanut whistle.
Was nice to meet you here on the waterfall. I sure enjoyed the nic1 contact.
and hope we meet again soon. Your set-up did a fine job
for you. Take care and God bless you and yours.
73 VX3NOO DE K9EEI/QRP Logged at: 14 Dec 2011 20:54:30z SK
== tEEI de Vhrtl CJ ."s tnÁiofo es roxt . 73 es nx fot BPSpe t.
Pse. qsl card via a or csrea or e-qsl
info from: qrz.comOM ]ames F tks forrhe nce qso and 73 for eein nsrris
act and my best wi s o you
and yonrsfhis hristmasand Hap N- Year==HVL DE EA6LH
SE. KN KNxnao eloI! td e nu..rea 73 b eBV
Hi lo again long time no chat
Report : 599 599
Name : Vic Vic
loc : EN41rn
BTU Alan, W1NDY de K0FBV pse kn n p we have worked before in 2010, some kind of contest. My QTH still in SWOregon, right \ thPadeo ic, and near th´de eaai eeTe a too e e,a
MY COUNil yeu can$et aod stillbe in Iowa. It is raining today. most years I woula a lot better I don't have to shovel it. r Chrst t t ) sk sk t e e so soprxue,
and 125 mils NE of Pasoet Txas. M e,0) =
in the Sacramento Mwoe el varies between almost invisible on the waterfall and 100%.
My station:
Radio : Yaesu onTe 0m 20 1attsr SianaLinUSB
Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : W5GI "Mystery"
Operator : Created 1948, licensed 2008
QSL via and ARRL LOTW.
BTU N3EMZ de AB9TB kn eteN3EMZ de AB9TB
Jerry, I'm losiog your signal entirely. Hope you can read the rest.
73 Jerry and thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m. Good DX in 2011 an lee9TB sk me eteeTreC oly copying about 50% so will say my 73 for )da Have a Merry Chhristmas and thanks for this BPSK-31 Q p çot ppn ) ee3
oV sk et K0FBV de W1NDY -c, you ao teli 5on rere,
ut wiil aay very 73, and eerte , hrKmas o yeoandd oee e TU mS Geo de C1NDM sk s0 ti CQ CQ de W1NDY W1NDY
OREGON Pl. K e CQ CQ de W1NDY W1+i
C…CQ ae WcND _aVTaç a t-t WAkn
Hi Rollin, 599 5l9 Name Alan Alan q a Gold Beach, Oregon loc e2
I am almost S of you, -ill trn the antenna.
BTU WA7BFN de s ýe
W1NDY de WA7BFN RRR AlD god so
s O90into aco,.
Antenna pointed east so guess we're doind kK..
RollL iBut Duff is the hname we go by.. hi Duff Duf Liomils NRZyou n ver n
knew whe your goi to call w e r.rBUT e btu W1NDY de Wftie
ieWA7BFN de NOK Duff it is. QTH is right on the Pascifis²oat, very near the Caslifornia border.
BTU Dunf, WA7BFN de W1NDY bk t:eatp
§=Y .1NDYde
Great on the location.. know the area.. as my folks lived down ther for a number of years...
I'd like to move ther... but alas the grandkids are all here in Washington hi....
here's the rest of th ino0.h
<< WA:BFNet Duff >>
iA69 a
Rig: iCom d5al eathkit SBs 0200, 220, 600 yg989h
tt 5 Watts DieitaAt: TA33 Mos ea nop / Butteriut eV
MS Linux
Soft: Fld 21.33
Comp: HP Pavilion
malr W7BFN@MS
So btu W1N-I y wojust got my interface back uand working amain
I had first wired it up using solid core wire, but I took it a
art ad rewired
e wih some stranded core wire. Much easier to move around and the solder jointhave stopped breaking on me. Sounds like the Kenwood 590 is working well for y re t
,TU Goe,
K4TO de fIW k getCC¬d iur RST is 579 579 579.
Name Bill Bill
QTH Moncks Corner, SC USA
30 miles N of Charleston, SC
Gooe signtl er...BTU Hop N1HOP de W4DDK kn o stin, KIs e Ab4k i AKye %uneIç
t I!eo oI ooooo e pŽ EŽne
n Ž n 3 e3!np! noeexactly sure
Btu Ce *S*£KI4W
Xe A1 Ae eoËehm eree can"talb" HtiHP desktop XP >SignaLink USB >Digipan 2.0
BTU Hop N1HOP de W4DDK kn enoe k4 d KI0WFG
Ib to KMFfU club wr l oI wae goio`t n
a atlanticuniversityOco3o TAK de WiÛ oT k-eeC.6RD yO odn? kn€DyK
OK HOP I will sign talk to you agn better conds... N1HP de W4DDK.. TnSO Hop
Hoplyou nd yo orshave a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..73... N1HOP de W4DD'.k eaw oo. Tame io Wadne. .ayne. BT.. K1AYZ BK x Yenks fosa t2SO, I'll try to make it to lunch soEeei
7I Joe oAKMNO de KI4WFJ ok ñoBye Biee....eee9NX 8P9Ny .-
Gooed luck , ( 73 ) to Merry Christmas you family from Cuba
WB0LTE de CO6RD Bye Bye 73 BK
ttieCO6e sò0wTE an Res for th FQSO.
QTH : Curacao FK52nc
IOTA: SA-099
RST : 569 569 s/n 4 dB
How copy Hopkins?
N1HOP de PJ2MI ar KN.
my digitaa Station:
Transceiver : YAESU FT-C (50 Watts)nAntenna : Sloper.
Compoter : PC, Windows XP
Software : MixW G.19
Operator : Licensed 1985
My info good at WWW.QRZ.COM
WA1TFV de CO6RD hO6D QSL Kt, e
thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m,Good Health and DX in 2011 .
HA0ML de K4UOL sk tPtMt =the better radios on the market. and I like your Mystery antenna...I have one ine. I may put it up if my beam fails again this winter.
BTU David, AB9TB de ND2E kn 8 1HNO etK
eecis et-t Ikm a TaVet-ibD Cg6RD
? k
t o dretir7 it cecae I ne„r remembered where aleBtooeou it|s weae. G t the ts000 kw besause it had less in the menu system and mote controls. I gave them both up to get this K3 which I really like. I would like to add a couple more options but I dont think it is going to happen soon. The 2M radio option is something I i.oed l ke t
add put c can ge by on FM with my 8900 but I would like to try may hand at 2oi iidebanDetc.
BT. Devid, AB9TB de ND2E kn eer eenice to meet you.
Report : 599 599
Name : Rey Rey
QTH : Sancti Spiritiil ieiTransceiver : YAES e ah tWB0LTE de KD0NEeÏ i=i Joan J ,onno ,oTtT ee .COM
W5VRX de CO6RD CO6RD pse Kd--t e uND2E
I can understand being radio poor.I sold a lot of gear to get this radio and to buy the parts to build the antenna. Now if it will quit blowing down every winter I could afford to buy some more radio gear. I am also getting back into photography so I am broke on that accouG hnBTO Dav d, Av9Th de ND2E 3n ech
Power : 20-50 WATTS 20-50 re t -dS, o Intetface, MFJ-1275-Sound Card i Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : G5RV 160 meteran oh5 y0 mfers 3g fe t hidh, Tribaoder 28 Teet high for moules
Operator : Born 1970, licenced 2010
My QSL is OK via, LOTW, or direct mail.(no SASE needed)
BTU WB0LTE de KD0NEL kn i1L de WB0LTE Thaw for the FB QSO.
My QSL is good at (AG) or direct.
73 Matthew and best of luck. Merry Christmn
mo rappf Ne/Years
bD0NEL ie WB0LTE SK etWB0LTE de KD0NEL 73 John J Bonnot and thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m, good DX in 2011, thanks for the great QSO will log you in both Lotw and at end of day. best wishes to you and yours and may you have hp hoiidayseason.B.LTE de KD0NEL c214/2011 20:36:36 QSO# 262 sk nP KI4R KI4R de CO6RD 73 73 tu eJUAN
uaa MAHOl edl TaYee tlea igS tYee oul up o mn thr macao happy holidays to you and yours JUAN 73 de wb9iiv sk
e- e ige
t-- o I e e e Žçe e 'i s ZJ
CQ CQ CQ de K9 9ZG K9 dJ
CQ hQ CQ de K9ZJ K9HJ K9ZJ k k
i t e
****CQ CQ CQ de K9ZJ K9ZJ K9ZJ
CQ CQ CQ de K9ZJ K9ZJ K9ZJ k k
it e kn . n AN KK t iBTU REy...
CO6RD de TI2PI....
eiok perdon apedro los rrores solo falta mejorar este teclado que esta mao escrbecuando le da el deseo fijatecuantos ezores pero grsa dios que tengo estasminimas condicinspero eso mcho deseo de hacer radio te deso mucha salud que e
lo másnecesitado ymuhcas cosas bunas para todosporcasa has h pronto que diotls bendiga ti2pi de co6d 73 chao Ftd
CO6RD de TIoietI....
FB Rey... m buena tu senIl y t
,liªteof si e‹ 3†Õo
2itoo eeop Eep+3toIoe
It Út lo
o f3e!!eo o ntu
Ük.h.dih.di ....
ox =Tare that any one else with a lot of speacial call.
my station
Radio : ICOM 746 PRO, 40 Watts,
Inerface : Signalink USB
Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : Homebrew 20 meter Moxon Beam
Operator : Crea n ti93B, locenc7 19
BTr VX3NOO de K0FBV kn v= a=te0 prIct copy Y oare ond enjEUthö
a... will be loking i r y on o eez ods .
ness but held a special place for me since that is where I started.
So BTU Richard, W8RMA de W0JMP k a eO6RD
? k
CQ CQ CQ de io seREeeeh's got all the info and thanks again for the great QSO D on
So BTU Don W Churchill, NL7HH de KD0NEL k eiee
d QSL (AG).
eQSL sent automatic at end of QSO.
For direct info see
To bureau. CUL OM.
btu Lew KB5HPT de K9ZJ kn
antena so hope you still can copy my peanut whistle.
Was nice to meet you here on the waterfall. I sure enjoyed the nic1 contact.
and hope we meet again soon. Your set-up did a fine job
for you. Take care and God bless you and yours.
73 VX3NOO DE K9EEI/QRP Logged at: 14 Dec 2011 20:54:30z SK
== tEEI de Vhrtl CJ ."s tnÁiofo es roxt . 73 es nx fot BPSpe t.
Pse. qsl card via a or csrea or e-qsl
info from: qrz.comOM ]ames F tks forrhe nce qso and 73 for eein nsrris
act and my best wi s o you
and yonrsfhis hristmasand Hap N- Year==HVL DE EA6LH
SE. KN KNxnao eloI! td e nu..rea 73 b eBV
Hi lo again long time no chat
Report : 599 599
Name : Vic Vic
loc : EN41rn
BTU Alan, W1NDY de K0FBV pse kn n p we have worked before in 2010, some kind of contest. My QTH still in SWOregon, right \ thPadeo ic, and near th´de eaai eeTe a too e e,a
MY COUNil yeu can$et aod stillbe in Iowa. It is raining today. most years I woula a lot better I don't have to shovel it. r Chrst t t ) sk sk t e e so soprxue,
and 125 mils NE of Pasoet Txas. M e,0) =
in the Sacramento Mwoe el varies between almost invisible on the waterfall and 100%.
My station:
Radio : Yaesu onTe 0m 20 1attsr SianaLinUSB
Software : HRD + DM780 v5.0 Beta
Antenna : W5GI "Mystery"
Operator : Created 1948, licensed 2008
QSL via and ARRL LOTW.
BTU N3EMZ de AB9TB kn eteN3EMZ de AB9TB
Jerry, I'm losiog your signal entirely. Hope you can read the rest.
73 Jerry and thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 20m. Good DX in 2011 an lee9TB sk me eteeTreC oly copying about 50% so will say my 73 for )da Have a Merry Chhristmas and thanks for this BPSK-31 Q p çot ppn ) ee3
oV sk et K0FBV de W1NDY -c, you ao teli 5on rere,
ut wiil aay very 73, and eerte , hrKmas o yeoandd oee e TU mS Geo de C1NDM sk s0 ti CQ CQ de W1NDY W1NDY
OREGON Pl. K e CQ CQ de W1NDY W1+i
C…CQ ae WcND _aVTaç a t-t WAkn
Hi Rollin, 599 5l9 Name Alan Alan q a Gold Beach, Oregon loc e2
I am almost S of you, -ill trn the antenna.
BTU WA7BFN de s ýe
W1NDY de WA7BFN RRR AlD god so
s O90into aco,.
Antenna pointed east so guess we're doind kK..
RollL iBut Duff is the hname we go by.. hi Duff Duf Liomils NRZyou n ver n
knew whe your goi to call w e r.rBUT e btu W1NDY de Wftie
ieWA7BFN de NOK Duff it is. QTH is right on the Pascifis²oat, very near the Caslifornia border.
BTU Dunf, WA7BFN de W1NDY bk t:eatp
§=Y .1NDYde
Great on the location.. know the area.. as my folks lived down ther for a number of years...
I'd like to move ther... but alas the grandkids are all here in Washington hi....
here's the rest of th ino0.h
<< WA:BFNet Duff >>
iA69 a
Rig: iCom d5al eathkit SBs 0200, 220, 600 yg989h
tt 5 Watts DieitaAt: TA33 Mos ea nop / Butteriut eV
MS Linux
Soft: Fld 21.33
Comp: HP Pavilion
malr W7BFN@MS
So btu W1N-I y wojust got my interface back uand working amain
I had first wired it up using solid core wire, but I took it a
art ad rewired
e wih some stranded core wire. Much easier to move around and the solder jointhave stopped breaking on me. Sounds like the Kenwood 590 is working well for y re t
,TU Goe,
K4TO de fIW k getCC¬d iur RST is 579 579 579.
Name Bill Bill
QTH Moncks Corner, SC USA
30 miles N of Charleston, SC
Gooe signtl er...BTU Hop N1HOP de W4DDK kn o stin, KIs e Ab4k i AKye %uneIç
t I!eo oI ooooo e pŽ EŽne
n Ž n 3 e3!np! noeexactly sure
Btu Ce *S*£KI4W
Xe A1 Ae eoËehm eree can"talb" HtiHP desktop XP >SignaLink USB >Digipan 2.0
BTU Hop N1HOP de W4DDK kn enoe k4 d KI0WFG
Ib to KMFfU club wr l oI wae goio`t n
a atlanticuniversityOco3o TAK de WiÛ oT k-eeC.6RD yO odn? kn€DyK
OK HOP I will sign talk to you agn better conds... N1HP de W4DDK.. TnSO Hop
Hoplyou nd yo orshave a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..73... N1HOP de W4DD'.k eaw oo. Tame io Wadne. .ayne. BT.. K1AYZ BK x Yenks fosa t2SO, I'll try to make it to lunch soEeei
7I Joe oAKMNO de KI4WFJ ok ñoBye Biee....eee9NX 8P9Ny .-
Gooed luck , ( 73 ) to Merry Christmas you family from Cuba
WB0LTE de CO6RD Bye Bye 73 BK
ttieCO6e sò0wTE an Res for th FQSO.
QTH : Curacao FK52nc
IOTA: SA-099
RST : 569 569 s/n 4 dB
How copy Hopkins?
N1HOP de PJ2MI ar KN.
my digitaa Station:
Transceiver : YAESU FT-C (50 Watts)nAntenna : Sloper.
Compoter : PC, Windows XP
Software : MixW G.19
Operator : Licensed 1985
My info good at WWW.QRZ.COM
WA1TFV de CO6RD hO6D QSL Kt, e
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